Traditional Taza Hot Chocolate Mexicano recipe
Quick-and-Easy Taza Mexican Chocolate Cocoa recipe
On Saturday, July 10th, nearly 4 inches of rain fell in less than an hour in the Boston area, completely swamping the newly-renovated manufacturing facility of long-time local favorite Taza Chocolate on Windsor Street in Somerville. Taza, which has been making mouth-watering, organic, stone-ground chocolate in the Mesoamerican tradition here since 2006, is trying valiantly to find the money to rebuild and stay in the community. They asked their loyal customers and vendors to buy as much chocolate as they could right away. The response has been huge, but Taza still has a long way to go before they're really back on their feet.
I'm sure you see where I'm going with this:
my fellow citizens, we have a duty to buy, eat and cook with as much Taza chocolate as we possibly can! Taza is sold at local farmers' markets, by local businesses like Boston Organics, and also in stores across the country, or you can order online, directly from the company itself. I urge you to consume, to give, and otherwise to enjoy this delicious local product whenever you can. Please check out the Taza-friendly chocolate recipe links shown at the beginning of this post, and stay tuned for more ways to use this wonderful confection. THANKS!
Click here to read the Boston Globe article about the flood at Taza.
Search for Taza Chocolate
These are fabulous recipes for a chocolate connoisseur - or t least lover!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the alert about Taza Chocolates - not being a Somerville resident, I had not herd of them. Now I will definitely pay them a visit, and pass on the news.